
Carthage vs Eldi



3 Years
03-05-2019, 08:26 AM
Carthage was so ready to rip into this other male. He was younger, but not by much. A formidable opponent in his eyes, but he wasn't going to let him win, not if he had anything to do with it. While the opponent readied himself in the center of the ring, Carthage waited impatiently. Although he doubted he needed it after the earlier spars, he loosened his shoulders by rolling them around a bit and repositioned his legs for better balance. Carthage was cocky, and it showed while the male barreled towards him, slightly towards his left side. Carrie grinned and was quick to move and dodge the tackle, but he hadn't been quick enough to dodge his ear getting caught by the other male. Carrie winced and jerked his head, caring little about the blood he felt filling his ear canal and deafening him on that side from the fluid.

Suddenly beyond angry from the pain, Carnage swung his head around to the males side and snapped wildly at his right shoulder and neck region, aiming mostly for his shoulder in hopes to make purchase with the tough flesh there and cause some scarring, resulting in a limp from torn muscle. While his opponent seemed to be going for more superficial injuries, tearing an ear from his head and hoping it'd phase him, Carnage was going for a more lasting injury. He wanted to leave a mark, a constant reminder that he was the one that made his life harder.

Carnage was here to make enemies, not to fraternize with the other packs and coymutts.

Carthage vs Eldi for Maim (scarring on right shoulder - limp)
Round 1 of 2
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Fight Skill Level: Beginner