
Eurus vs Aureus



3 Years
Extra large
03-05-2019, 08:45 PM

Though he was able to miss most of the other male's attack he managed to be bit on the scruff, which the other male quickly spit out the bits of fur and some blood from his scruff. Eurus seemed to miss his own mark as well as the other male pushed forward. He ended up biting onto Aureus' hind leg instead. He wasn't able to get under the male and push him like he wanted to. Eurus left go of his bite shortly after it landed, continuing with his momentum of getting up on all fours again. Eurus hadn't been smart enough as he felt the other males teeth make contact with his hind leg, above the thigh. Grunting he would redistribute his weight, coiling his right hind leg in an attempt to make less damage, to try and make it harder for the other male to do any sort of shaking and relaxing the muscles his teeth were into and putting tension in the muscles on the back of his leg.

Opening his jaws and tilting the top of his skull to the left he sought to drive his bite into the male's hind leg, the meaty backside of the leg. He also had forgotten that the cat was there, another strike against him and would help him to learn better, he however had his defenses up as best as he could. The cat's attack landed how he wanted it to, the fangs and the left claws hitting their marks and doing damage. The right claws dug into fur and partially caught against the spot that the other male already had bit into. Eurus held his spot knowing if he moved with the cat's hold it could do more damage to his shoulder.

Eurus vs. Aureus for TOURNAMENT SPAR
Round 2 of 2
Size: Extra Large
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory:
Defensive Accessory:
Companion 1:
Companion 2:
Fight Skill Level: Beginner