
Eligos vs Evangelos


03-05-2019, 11:03 PM
Evangelos was excited, he couldn’t lie, but he was also doing his best to keep his cool in front of his brother Dylas. Oh boy was he going to have a field day with his older sibling after this… and goodness knew they were lucky enough to have their mother agree to let them fight.

He was a bit curious about the coydogs… they were weird. Different. He found himself considering the wolves about them… but part of him knew it was wrong to think that way. It was like thinking he was better than Icon or No Face when he was starting to see them as equals.

He flicked his head when was picked by the ancient coydog. He rose, beginning to follow after it. He caught the other boy glancing him over and Evangelos flashed a good natured smile. Whether or not his opponent returned it was of no consequence to him… so long as he was minding his manners that was what mattered.

He had been training with his mother to fight, to use Icon as an accessory of battle… but he didn’t assume anything of his opponent. He noticed they were roughly the same size and build though, giving each a fair chance against the other.

Once inside the ring Evangelos dropped into a defensive stance -- not as smooth as it could have been, since he was still working on doing it fluidly, but at least he was ready. The coydog indicated his opponent would go first and Evangelos furrowed his brow. Fine… let them begin!

Evangelos dropped low, attempting to lunge for the other boy’s forelegs as he came charging. He planned to meet the other head on and slam bodily into him, hopefully mostly under that shoulder point that had been aimed at him prior. But during his attack he felt jaws snap into his mane and the boy let out a startled yelp at the sharp pain he felt. No fair!

Icon, who had been circling in the air above the wolves prior, dropped down then. The gyrfalcon let out a shrill cry, mostly to distract the other child before she attempted to grab at his scruff. Her goal was to get a brief hold, maybe pierce the skin, enough to get the other child to focus on her long enough to let Evangelos find his wind for the second wave of attacks.


Ooc:: Tea you can assume that the shoulder point hit Evangelos at some point where it makes sense. Due to the nature of his own kind of attack I left that open because I didn’t want to necessarily powerplay that his counter-ish attempt dive at the legs was successful. <333


Evangelos vs Eligos for TOURNAMENT SPAR
Round 1/2
Size: Extra large
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory:
Defensive Accessory:
Companion 1: Gyrfalcon {Battle}
Companion 2:
Fight Skill Level: Beginner