
Aurelia vs Artur

Aurelia I


03-07-2019, 03:19 PM
The world was a blur, and for once that was not because she was half asleep. The boy just shook harder, straining to keep a hold of the round little girl and backpeddling away from her wildly kicking paws that she continued to try and smack, swat, bat, and claw at his face and chest. It was probably a mess to watch, not really much of a "fight" at this point. Luckily Aury didn't care about looking cool, she just wanted to be done with this already and was already dreading recovering from the inevitable dizziness that would ensure when she finally escaped his grip.

Next thing she knew the ref had called out something and the fight was stopping. Wait. She won? How? It sure didn't feel like a victory. More like she was gonna hurl at any second. After a moment she dropped to the ground, too dizzy to be sure if the boy had let her go at last or if she'd finally squirmed away. For a second she just stood there as the world kept whizzing by, just doing her best to keep her lunch down. Once she could kind of see and walk in a straightish line she unceremoniously padded out from the ring to where she thought Bernie might be in the crowd.

After nearly tripping over the rocks at the edge of the circle she'd glance back and remember to call out to the older boy, "Oh, uh, good job." Mh. Not exactly what she wanted to say, but, close enough. Admittedly she was kind of starting to feel embarrassed by how she'd won. Definitely wouldn't have impressed her mom... On that note, she'd turn and wander off in search of her sister.

-Exit Aurelia-

As her sister and best friend, Bernie is allowed in any of Aurelia's threads regardless of tags!
Be warned, Aury is prone to bouts of sleepiness and will happily exit a thread for a nap at any time.