
We meet again my new enemy



3 Years
03-08-2019, 09:46 AM

A series of snarling and growling left the females jaws as their battle began. Finally, this girl took her words seriously. Honor or no honor there will be bloodshed upon the lands of Boreas and she will make sure to pain them crimson. If this girl wanted a fight, she will give her a war.

Her attacks landed successfuly, murderous canines like needles penetrated the soft tissues of skin where the Trapezia muscles met. and it was not long until a cooper taste stung her tongue adding gasoline to the fire. She was alive, the moment the vital liquid poured down her throat and she could almost taste Valhalla. Her tail remained rigid behind her in order to aid her balance as her limbs spread equally across the ground to further improve her standing, it did not take long for her optics to narrow and for her ears to go flat against her skull. Her last defences were set as Cordelia's shoulder blades rolled backwards in order to protect her throat with the additional layers of fur. Her muscles tensed in the process as her limbs bent from the knees.

Cordelia's jaws attempted to tighten and lock, where the Trapezia muscles met, and she hoped to trash her cranium right and left in order for her canines to sink deeper into the flesh and create more severe laceration. Due to her movements she could not dodge the girl attack and therefore the other canined landed across her right temple, drawing two long scratches across. Crimson liquid dripped from the scratches. The next attacks followed suit and as the girl left back leg swipped to her right back leg she met in head on, it went rigid and due to her prior defenses they collided in a battle of muscle, resulting in bruising across Cordelia's ankles but no had no further effects upon her ballance.

Cordelia's front right paw rose and she attempted to create lacerations over the girl pectorals with her spinal bone bracelet. She hoped to manage to drag it across the skin, to drag as much blood as possible and to offer the girl the pain that she sought. Something to remember her by.

Cordelia vs Basilia for DOMINANCE
Round 2/2
Size: 36 inches
Build: Light
Offensive Accessory: Bone Bracelets
Defensive Accessory: N/A
Companion 1: N/A
Companion 2: N/A
Mutation: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Intermediate
Specialty: N/A


Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.