
The Skies Shall Weep



3 Years
03-08-2019, 10:23 AM
As her opponent decided to put some distance between the two of them she took the time to ready her defences. Ears were still pinned back against her cranium and cerulean eyes were narrowed perfectly on Paradise. All four of her  limbs were equally parted and weight was evenly distributed on all of them to aid her balance. Her tail was acting as a rudder and chin was properly tucked as much as it could be. Her lips would peel back to reveal murderous canines as her jaws remained agape and her neck was slightly coiled. Shoulders were rolled forward and limbs were bent at the knees to further aid her balance. Paws were lightly flexed against the soil to enhance her traction and stability and finally her opponent charged at her. Her movements confused Cordelia for a split second and therefore the witty woman first attack landed successfuly. Paradise's left shoulder collided with her ribcage, creating a mild bruise around the area, something she will feel properly the morning after no less.

What the other did not calculate in her next move was that the moment the left shoulder collided with her ribcage Cordelia will move along with it, manuvering her body in counter clock wise towards, aligning her front towards Paradise middle. Nonetheless, Paradise's canines did catch a glimps of the soft tissues of skin upon her tail, leaving scratches behind them as she turned counter clockwise. Simultaneously, teeth would surge forward, attempting to rip through the flesh of her mid-right rib-cage. His own left paw would move, attempting to wrap over her back, for now, there would be no time to rise over her, but there would be time to do exactly this.

Paradise VS Cordelia for Spar
Round 1/2
Size: 36 inches
Build: Light
Offensive Accessory: Bone Bracelets
Defensive Accessory: N/A
Companion 1: N/A
Companion 2: N/A
Mutation: N/A
Fight Skill Level: Intermediate
Specialty: N/A

Heed, and listen closely.

Flowers in Chania

Mature themed character; thread at your own risk, violence may occur without provocation.
Has a Silver Fox named Briar and a Grackle named Hræfn. They are supposed to be with her at all times unless stated otherwise.