
One Last Refrain



4 Years
03-08-2019, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 03-08-2019, 11:52 AM by Tyranis.)
Set Immediately after The Thread

Rain started to fall as he walked like a man about to face death back to his packlands. Not snowfall or the fat droplets of summer rain; they were half frozen needles that soaked his coat and washed the frozen blood to his body. He thought distantly that he would catch hypothermia but wondered casually if dying would be such a bad thing.

He knew exactly where he was turning in his cubs, and knew that Shaye would never side with him after hearing accounts from Acere, and Leera. He had already seen what Acere’s parenting had done for his brother and sister, and the opinion of himself and his father that they held. Acere was a god to them, and with a prickle of agony in his heart he knew his own children would be too. It was not the two weeks apart that scared him most, it was the threat of possibly never seeing them again as long as Abaven held itself as the high authority of Boreas, and as long as they commanded the numbers that they had, and toed the line with other powerful packs, fighting against them with whatever force would be suicide. He was trapped.

They passed the black bear as he walked the grim procession through his lands, the last of the heat waving from the mutilated corpse wading in a sea of blood. Would they be impressed then? Would it put an end to this before it even began? No. He knew better than to think that.

He skulked past the white trees his head low as he approached Leera’s den. He would fill it in when she left with his children, a sign that she was no longer welcome and would have no home as long as he was highlord. He gave a soft bark for his children, one last goodbye before they were taken from him under the pretense of two weeks that he knew would never end.

Speaking Thinking You

Tyranis has a melanistic king cobra companion named Raanee, and a half-blind raven companion named Moses unless otherwise stated assume they are always present

Although it doesn't appear on his tables Tyranis' tail has been docked  