
love to romance 'em


07-15-2013, 09:34 AM


There was another out here. The scent had been hard to pick up around the thick scents of sulphur and any sounds had been obscured by the burbling hot springs. So perhaps it was understandable that Ocena had been oblivious to the presence of the other wolf until she began to approach Ocena. The marbled female lifted her head, ears pricking in the other's direction. Her muscles tightened, wariness obvious on Ocena's features as she watched the other approach. With a probable litter on the way, she was more guarded than she might have been in typical circumstances.

But when the other began to speak in a perfectly friendly tone, Ocena relaxed immediately, plumy tail waving in the air behind her. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Syne!" Selected one of the nicknames that the pretty female had offered without second though, "My name is Ocena, and I am a member of Tortuga, for now. Are you a loner?" Her chatterbox nature was back in full swing, it seemed. Memories of Asheni's murder by a stranger had faded to the point that Ocena was comfortable around other wolves again, and she didn't spend all of her time worrying about what might happen to her children when they wandered off by themselves. Instead, she only spent most of her time worrying about Orica, Galileo, and Avalon.

Settling down daintily as Syne did the same thing, Ocena wrapped her tail daintily around her paws. "These hot springs are heated by the nearby volcano, Mount Volkan. That's why they're so hot, and also why they smell so foul." There was a definite hint of distaste to Ocena's voice as she spoke of the volcano, "Tortuga makes its home at the base of that volcano. For now, anyways. Soon we'll be leaving, and we'll be rogues again." Her pups would be born on the move. It was a pity, but what could be done about that?

Flicking her ears slightly, Ocena turned her mismatched gaze upon the other figure, "But what brings you to a place like this? There's not much going on around here. No wolves or anything." Well, other than her, but that was beside the point. Ocena couldn't pick up scents of any other wolves in the area, and she had a sharper than average sense of smell, one that had been developed to help compensate for her blind eye. But most scents were entirely obscured by the foul scents twisting through the air that originated from that pool. So perhaps there had been wolves in the area recently.

TAG: Euphrosyne WORDS: four two eight NOTES: ---