
Down to my last teardrop



6 Years
03-08-2019, 08:37 PM

They had been here for a little bit of time now and Corentine had spent her time revisiting old spots and searching for her family. Most of it had been outside of the pack, knowing very well her mother had left with Ty some years ago. What she didn't realize was that Shaye had found her mother and brought her back to Abaven. Corentine didn't know of anything going on around Boreas, since being gone for roughly a year she was out of the loop with everything. She knew Dauntless had fallen, and that was about it.

Today she had decided to visit the old spots within the pack that she was aware of, most importantly the den she grew up within. It was a beautiful spring morning and the sun warmed her dark back as she traveled. Brandr had taken Lucine out for a hunt so she didn't need to worry about how Lucine was doing today. She was headed back to the plains where she grew up and as she neared the den that she was born in a somewhat familiar form began to come into view. She had thought at first it was her imagination until she realized the form wasn't going away and as she got closer her eyes began to show the worry of what she saw.

Her once beautiful mother looked like skin and bones, and even worse her coat was giving a slow uneven shed from it's winter form. Her heart sank and for a few moments she just stopped and stared not sure if it was a good idea to approach or not. She had to, it was her mother and she had to go to her. So the girl pushed forward and when she got to her gave Storm the most gentle nuzzle she could muster, fearing that if she touched her her mother would simply break.

"Mamma what's happened to you?" her voice was all but a whisper as she tried to choke back the emotion threatening to spill.

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag