
love to romance 'em


07-15-2013, 10:06 AM


Syne nodded to the two-toned fea at the first of her string of questions, replying, "Yes, I'm a loner. I've never really been a part of a pack unless you want to count my little family as a pack." She briefly thought back to the days when she lived with her parents and sister, her twin really, but quickly pushed the thoughts away. Thinking of her sister still drug her mood down and she didn't want to feel like that today, not around the friendly woman she had just met. Ocena seemed incredibly friendly and Euph was more than happy to spend her time with the talkative wolf. Euph listened to the explanation of the hot spring with interest, nodding with understanding when she finished. Tortuga, huh? She had heard of the pack, but being a loner she didn't know much about it. It was fairly interesting to her, hearing about the going ons in pack life.

Her ears flicked forward to listen to her final question and she smiled and rolled her shoulders in a shrug. "I never really know why I go anywhere. I just kinda wander around and see what I find and this is where I landed last. Not the most pleasant of places to be, I suppose, but not all bad since I met a new friend!" She smiled happily, her fluffy tail waving behind her. She loved meeting new wolves and making new connections. She was social by nature so getting to talk to anyone was a treat for her. "Do you like living with a pack? How long have you been with them?" she asked curiously, her head tilting to the side a bit.
