
Down to my last teardrop



9 Years
03-08-2019, 08:54 PM

Shaye had brought her to safety just before the official end to winter. For about a week she spent keeping warm and trying to get some of her strength back. She had not been out an about, she remained in a den resting and eating when Eli would bring her food. She would also continue to use herbs to help ease her pain and to help with her immune system despite the end that she knew was near. She at least had lived to see her sons again and to see Tempest after so many years. She had wanted to go to Lirim to be with her brother, but the night Shaye found her she decided it wasn't in her fate to go. She knew that Abaven was where she would die and without even seeing the daughter she knew was alive and well. She had hopes that coming back to Abaven would mean seeing Corentine again, but after the time she had spent here and with no word she just figured Corentine had moved on.

Today it was nice enough to go out and together her and Eli had trailed the familiar path to the den that was once hers. The den that her first litter was born in. When they arrived and found it old and somewhat grown over, Eli had gotten to work cleaning it up and clearing the debris at the entrance. While he worked Storm laid within the sun, letting it warm her frail form. She hadn't expected to get so lucky, that Corentine had returned to Abaven just as she had. She wasn't aware that fate would bring her daughter back to her side. She wasn't even aware of anything until the very soft and gentle nuzzle came from Corentine, the soft whisper of her voice.

Storm leaned into her touch, tail wagging in happiness as she recognized instantly who was here.

"Corentine," her voice was soft, a smile lighting up her grizzled muzzle. "Join me there is much to say."

"Talk" "You" Think
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[Image: 6qyNX6O.png]
Storm is completely blind
Storm's Companion Eli (Wolverine) is assumed to be with her at all times