
Down to my last teardrop



6 Years
03-08-2019, 09:59 PM

Her mother had given her so much information that it was difficult to process. She tried to repeat everything within her mind, to keep it all straight. It would take her a day or two and now that she discovered her ill mother she would be busy, much busier then she had thought. It also made her want Lucine to meet Storm, before she passed on. Storm had a right to meet her grand daughter and to be apart of her life for however long Storm had left. Corentine was able to compose herself as she took everything in, it would all hit her later and she was sure her weakest moment would be when she told Brandr.

Storm then began to tell her to not hold anything against Ty for how he acted. It was her mother's wish and she would try very hard to keep to that wish. Storm also started into what she wanted Corentine to do making this all more of a reality. Corentine gently nuzzled her, stopping her mother from going on about this.

"Mamma we can talk about this later.... This is a lot to handle right now," her voice was soft, somewhat pleading to get off this subject.

She would go over all of that, but for now she wanted to bring her mother back to her den for when Brandr and Lucine came back from hunting. She wanted Storm to meet Lucine today, to spend time with her today, before it would be to late.

"I also have to catch you up on my life." her gold eyes watched as her mother's interest perked. "Brandr and I have become mates and you have two yearling grandchildren. Halation, your grandson chose to set out on his own already, but your granddaughter Lucine is here in Abaven with us. She's hunting with Brandr, but I want you to meet her and spend time with her today."

It warmed her to see the pure joy simmering in her mother's pale eyes, the smile lighting up her grizzled muzzle. Standing Corentine gently nudged her wanting to take their time back to the den, to not have to rush.

"Let's go back to my den and tomorrow we can go over the rest of your wishes if you like," she said before waiting for her mother to get up.

She would turn and wait for Storm to come to her side and she would lead her to thier den.

-exit Corentine with Storm-

"Talk" "You" Think

Brandr, Lucine, & Halation is allowed in any of her threads regardless of the tag