
Yet Another Puppy Thread



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
03-10-2019, 01:40 PM
"Quit it, Noir!" Poem growled as she scrambled away from her brother's heavier form. His large paw caught her rear legs, like a cheetah tripping its prey, and she went sprawling down the path. She felt her face grow flush as Noir chuckled behind her. Her heart raced in her chest and her brows knit in frustration.

"Walk much?"

She growled again and clicked her teeth together as she whipped her head around to glare at him. She didn't bother getting up, he'd just push her down again. "Tato told you to be nice!" Poem snarled as he continued to laugh at her. Before he could answer their father's voice sounded from nearby, summoning them to his side. She decided to take it as a victory and glared at Noir, still not trusting him to leave her alone to go to their dad.

Noir's smirk didn't hearten her any, and as he turned to head that way he kicked up the dirt and debris beneath his feet. The dust was flung into Poem's eyes and she cried out as Noir sprinted away, chuckling again. The young girl growled as she rubbed her eyes with her paws before finding her feet. She was so sick of Noir messing with her. He never did it in front of their parents, and seemed to avoid the behavior in front of their siblings too. Poem was reluctant to go to either parent either, she was strong and could deal with him herself. Or that's what she told herself anyway.

The frustrated pup tried to put him from her mind as she trotted off behind him. He was already seated when she arrived. She stuck her tongue out at him discreetly before rushing up to Rhyme and nuzzling him affectionately. "Tato!" She exclaimed while rubbing against him and taking a seat close by. She beamed up at him despite the sadness hiding in his features.