
I Got My Own Sound



7 Years

Snake EyesVolcanoChristmas 2019
03-10-2019, 01:51 PM
Kirsi felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from her shoulders after her conversation with Ignatius. She still had so much pain she had yet to share with him, and she knew only time would tell what could and couldn't be mended - but at least she felt now like the world wasn't completely caving in around her. It felt as though she'd been struggling to catch her breath for many seasons now and finally, all at once, the pressure ceased and she was finally calm again. Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but barely. Given the trauma she had experienced, caused in part by her own actions, it was a surprise even to herself that she'd made it this far. Persevering was in her nature, though, and though she abhorred the thought of living without Ignatius.. she was simply far too strong-willed to not push through.

Now, though, she didn't have to worry about that. Ignatius had promised her a home with him in Fyri, and she had promised honesty, all in due time.  For now, though, she was content to explore the neighboring lands, currently standing at the bottom of a valley. The descent down the cliffside had been more treacherous than she'd expected and even now as she stood and struggled to catch her breath she became aware of how hard her heart was still beating in her chest. A slow turn, as she cast he gaze back up the steep cliff, made Kirsi wonder just how she'd made her way back up.. but she decided that was a problem for later.

For now, she was more interested in this unique landscape she'd accidentally wandered into. Somehow it seemed like spring had found this region much more quickly than it had the rest of the north, and Kirsi wasn't sure how she felt about it. The sound of wildlife filled her ears, and she lifted her head as she scoped out her surroundings. The roar of a waterfall could be heard somewhere in the distance, and she swiveled around to search for it - though the form of a rather uniquely colored female in the distance caught her interest first. Head cocked as she squinted to get a better look at her, though after a moment of hesitation she decided to head in her direction, a thinly-veiled smile just barely touching her lips as she drew closer.