
Hunter or Hunted

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-10-2019, 03:40 PM (This post was last modified: 03-10-2019, 03:40 PM by Shaye I.)

She did not expect that scent on her border patrol, the cloying, unmistakable scent of cat. A pack as large as Abaven did not get unwelcome visitors very often, the combined scent of their wolves was usually enough warning to discourage even the most hungry predator. Feeling a coldness run through her veins, she turned course swiftly, and let loose a growl as she hurried along the path it left.

She was running in moments, through she risked losing the scent, a tight knot curling in her chest at the implications. They had so many frail wolves, from old Storm, to gentle, submissive Epitaph. They had children, too young to fight. They had warriors as well, and she let loose a howl as she ran, calling out to any of fighters, telling them of the danger, and to find it.

She reached the swelling river in time to see the blue form of Noir in its clutches, but before she could chase the stream, he landed heavily against a boulder, and pulled himself to shore. She saw her prey, as the puma jumped the waters, landing easily on the other side, bringing it nose to nose with the Abaven pup.

Letting out a protective snarl, Shaye continued her run, still not yet entering the scene, she would put on a great burst of speed, paws landing on the last piece of land before the river, hunches coiling, before her speed-enhanced jump brought her to the other side. She almost didn’t make it, the previously frozen waters had added so much volume, the jump was further then she had ever been forced to make before. Her back legs landed in the water, and she instantly felt the current, but she was dragging her legs free of the water and jumping forward. Her entrance had hardly been quite, and the cat whirled to face the greater threat as Shaye charged head first upon it.

Never in a normal day would she take on a cat alone, but this cat had dared to threaten the life of one of hers, and her anger blew well past her logic until all she could see was red. “NOIR, RUN” she growled as she leaped. The cat struck a she did, its teeth landing on the thick of her neck on Shaye’s right, as Shaye rammed her shoulder higher, protecting her neck. She lifted up half her weight, trying to topple it down upon the cat, scrambling a paw across its shoulder in an effort to loosen its stance. Her own teeth went for its ear, but a wolf's teeth are stubbier then a cat, and as the puma’s attack fully landed, Shaye let out a yelp of pain, its fangs digging deep into her ruff.

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Words: 464


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