
Hunter or Hunted

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-10-2019, 05:30 PM

The day would have been pleasantly warm, the start of spring. The snow had melted, and the stream that ran through Abaven had tossed off its frozen layer. Its deep waters where still cold to the touch, but it was pleasant to place your feet in the water, and feel the warmth of the sun on your back. Instead of these comforts, her back legs tingled with the cold from where they had fallen, and the rest of her felt overheated from the exertion of her battle, the stress of it.

Shaye was a big wolf, but the cat was a sleek and deadly hunter. For a moment, they were locked into place, one trying to hold their ground, and dig her fangs deeper into Shaye’s scruff, the other trying to overturn her weight, and throw her to the ground. She might have managed to do so already, if it wasn’t for the pain in her shoulder throwing her off balance. She wanted to howl from it, the way those fangs dug deep into her flesh. She could feel blood dripping through her coat, and knew it to be her own. But it was worth, it was all worth it to give the pup time to escape. To get to safety.

She didn’t know where Noir had gone, only seen the fleeting movement of his retreating form. She had no time to spare a thought for him, all of her energy was placed into winning this battle. She should have known. He was Rhyme’s son after all, and Rhyme was never one to run from a battle. She hadn’t interacted much with Noir, but if she had spared that moment of thought, it perhaps might have come to clear to her that he would not leave.

As it was, a startled cry escaped the Alpha as a dark form leaped down upon them, landing upon the cat. Shaye, who had been trying her best to unbalance the creature, would suddenly find give, and with one last push, the cat toppled downwards, and Shaye was thrown half over her, almost colliding with Noir. The movement also tore the cat’s fangs from her shoulder, and the blinding pain of that was sudden, and the release of her daggers wold unplug the hole. A smattering of blood would flick across Noir’s face as the younger wolf got the cat into a position to show her neck.

The creature was fighting them, writing wildly beneath them in her efforts to get away, her feline eyes wide and wild with hate and anger. Shaye pushed more of her weight upon her, keeping her paws down where they could do no damage. Her teeth where difficult to keep out of reach from, and Shaye wrestled with her for a moment, before howling angrily into the cats face. It paused for only a moment, but it was enough time for Shaye to snake her head forward and dig a bite into her neck. The cat fell limp, but she was not dead, that was evident by the quick breathing as Shaye released her hold. The Alpha panted heavily, her own wound obvious and stark red in the whites around her shoulders. The cat knew it had lost, its limp, afeared form was evidence of that. “We are going to herd her from Abaven territory now Noir, I have no desire to kill her.” her white anger at the pup for reentering the fight was not obvious in her calm, if breathless tones.

"Talk" "You" Think

Words: 587
Total: 1,856/2500


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