
Hunter or Hunted



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
03-10-2019, 05:59 PM
Noir was much too busy shaking his head with his jaws full of cat fur to notice that Shaye had almost toppled over him. He couldn't come close to the kind of damage the mountain lioness had done to Shaye. He felt himself stop short as the feeling of blood splattered against his head caught him off guard. Shaye's large form was quick to overtake the feline.

The alpha's form pushed the cat over and Noir couldn't help but release his hold and retreat. His bright eyes took in the incredible struggle up close. Over large paws clung to the stones and he hopped backwards, though Shaye had hold of the cat's paws he couldn't be sure.  Instead of standing like a bump on a log Noir took to his previous perch. Dark striped paws scrambled over the loose stones as his focused remained on Shaye and the cat.

He hadn't spent time with Poem and Motif's mother, not that there had been any desire on his part. Though as he watched her fight he was a bit more impressed with her. With her weight and a carefully placed bite Shaye subdued the murderous cat. Noir was more surprised when she then released her.

The pup's jaws fall open in displeasure. He wanted to see her kill the beast! Now she was going to escort it from Abaven and just hope it didn't come back? "I'll kill her for you!" he offered enthusiastically as the idea popped into his head. Noir had sought out a loophole and he thought he'd found it, not understanding that Shaye had overall wanted to spare its life.

With out waiting for her reply Noir started off after the lioness, she had been beat down hard but she still moved with a quickness. She was small and lithe, closer to Noir's size than Shaye. Noir ran now. His large paws carried him over the loose stones and large boulders of the river bank. As he ran the river's borders shifted slowly to bigger boulders and massive rock formations. The cat easily leapt up and over a sudden sheer face, leaving Noir to take to the brushy tall grass that bordered the river. Bigger trees started to appear more frequently here as well.

Noir was forced to slow his pursuit, and the cat with leverage was getting ideas again. Of course she wouldn't attack again with Shaye close by. However her eyes didn't let Noir from her sight. The boy wasn't as aware. He assumed she would just continue forward, following the river upstream. His main focus was on dodging trees and slipping through the underbrush.