
Hunter or Hunted

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-10-2019, 06:11 PM

She got to her paws, eyeing the subdued cat carefully, prepared to strike again if necessary. The cat seemed to sense her seriousness, and as Shaye gave it space, it got slowly to its paws. Shaye came forward, lips curled upwards, baring sharp, bloodied teeth. The cat began to slink away, its past only getting faster as the pup shouted his idea and went after it. Clearly, Noir hadn’t gotten a single whiff of her displeasure. She growled and moved after them, moving more slowly with her wounded neck. She was surprised at how quickly the cat could move, with a chunk of skin above its collarbone missing.

They moved until they weren’t far from the borders. She liked to think Noir was only helping escort it, but she knew the truth in the determinedness of his pursuit. When she reached him, she grabbed him firmly by the back of his neck in her teeth, pulling tightly once in warning, then releasing him. “Noir.” she said, her voice firm, unyielding, before stepping in front of the boy and growling at the cat, who had begun to watch them once more. She took another step forward, and spat in the grass, a sliver of furred flesh flying loss and landing there. The cat looked at the piece of its skin, looked at the angry alpha, and the foolish boy, and it turned and fled the territory. Shaye watched both it, and Noir, ready to leap forward and grab the boy if he tried to pursue it out of Abaven’s territory. “She won’t be coming back.” Shaye promised, she knew this lesson would stick well. Perhaps in the future it would think twice before crossing a packs borders.

Shaye sat shakily on her haunches, at this point her fur was thick with blood, and the lethargy feeling of blood loss was settling in. “Noir, can you.. Grab a healer” The words where thick in her mouth.

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Words: 330


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