
Never in question, lethal injection (Welcome to the Family)


03-11-2019, 01:56 AM

The female had been content with the fact that Daemon was home with her. Nova found her confidence growing since then, her mind a constant working force. She couldn’t help but wonder why the Gods still refused to give them a litter… and part of her feared infertility on her part. Surely that couldn’t be the case? She knew her parents had, in some ways, damned her… but surely her genetics had not failed her in that way? It had her worried… but Nova would not give up. She’d be a good wife for her husband, one way or another.

Currently she was on the search for spring herbs that she could store that might help her should she actually fall pregnant. The female wanted to do something with her life… something more than she had been doing. Currently she was convinced that was becoming a mother…

The pale woman’s red gaze swept the landscape around her and she took in a breath of fresh air. Things would change, she felt certain. Someday things would start to ease into a better routine… and then, perhaps then, she would feel like she was useful. Like she was worth something to her mate. Until that day came she would just keep trying and living.

Her tail wagged behind her as Nova lowered her head to the ground and sniffed at a plant at her paws. She didn’t know too much about herblore but she was learning. It was part of her duties after all!

“Maybe this one…” Nova mused to herself. It seemed to be a healthy plant at the very least. She leaned in close and carefully clipped the stem with her teeth, unaware that a pair of eyes were upon her.
