
You'll be so happy just as long as you survive the night



8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Trick 2019
03-11-2019, 11:13 PM

Riva crossed the stream just above pack lands, eyes scanning the land as she walked. The land was blooming with spring, and the scents of growing things filled the air. She had never liked the cold, and she enjoyed the feel of the sun on her dark coat. She stopped occasionally, nosing through the undergrowth. Sometimes she pull her head free with seeds or herbs to add to her collection, sometimes she would emerge with nothing to show for it.

It never ruined her good mood, and her tail gave a light wag behind her as she walked. Her herb garden was beginning to come together, and she didnt think anything could ruin her cheery disposition. By the time she arrived in redbud nock, the day was over. She had spent too much time foraging on her way, and had easily lost track of time.

She was just considering what to do with the night, continue on regardless, find somewhere to settle in, or head back in the dark, when the scent of a stranger caught her attention. Curiosity brought her head in the womans direction, but a healers dismay kept it there. The older, and thin stranger was perhaps a few inches taller then Riva, with weariness written in her eyes. She could also see signs of wear and tear on her hints of cuts that hadnt been properly cared for. The way she was lying didnt allow Riva to see anything more, but it was enough. The healer would never allow a wolf in distress to slip away without aid. "Miss?" She asked, keeping her voice soft and gentle. Her slim, tiny frame was hardly intimidating, but she kept herself low regardless, and walked in plain view. She didnt come too close, not wanting to distress this stranger.
