
Child of the Stars

Kestrel I


12 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
03-12-2019, 01:07 AM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2019, 01:08 AM by Kestrel I.)

It had been too long since she set foot in these lands. But she had returned after years and years. She didn't think she could call it home had all died away when she left. Her family had all abandoned her when she was just a babe, and after so long...she couldn't remember their faces, or their names. She had met many wolves of all walks of life throughout her life. The old woman had become smarter and wiser with everything she experienced. She had loved. She had lost. She found happiness and sadness. She had been through it all. She had gotten over the heartbreak over being left behind, and she had used it to get stronger in her younger years. Now she was better. All that pain melted away and she was her own woman. She had survived well past what she thought she would. And yet...her life still felt empty in some ways.

The tiny woman wandered across the basin. She had been enjoying the warmth that Spring offered here, soothing her old and tired bones after years of traveling. She didn't know why she returned to these lands, but perhaps fate just wanted her to die in the lands she had been born in. Of course...that wasn't the basin in particular...and truth be told, she couldn't remember exactly where she had been born, either. Time and the desire to forget everything had wiped all memory and trace of her childhood from her mind. If asked, she wouldn't be able to tell you who her parents were. Or her siblings. Or much of anything about her childhood. It was a blank space in her head...

She enjoyed the serenity of the night. The old woman glanced up at the stars as she moved quietly through the grass. She always enjoyed looking at the night sky. It reminded her of her own fur. The white that dusted across her form always made her feel like she was a piece of that sky sometimes. Focused on the stars as she walked, she almost didn't notice she was getting a little too close to someone else until the breeze shifted and brought his scent to her. Slightly startled, emerald eyes found a large male lying down in the grass. She watched him for a moment, noting that the giant of a man appeared to be closer to her age. Perhaps he had the same idea as her...

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" She spoke up, the smaller woman deciding it was safe enough to approach and sit nearby.
