
Bright Eyes



4 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze Participant
03-12-2019, 02:42 AM (This post was last modified: 03-12-2019, 02:43 AM by Azazel.)

His grin grew wider as the smaller male cursed at him. “I wouldn’t bed you if you were the last male on earth and my balls would fall off otherwise!” He laughed a dark, guttural laugh. "That can be arranged, you know." The threat fell from his lips like poison. His gaze burning with intensity. Rain's fight was exciting him. His fur lifted with the sense of adrenaline as he started to feel himself getting aroused. It was a new feeling for Azazel, something he hadn't quite expected, but perhaps it was due to the fact he wasn't quite right in his head. He was an unpredictable beast, often willing to go to any lengths necessary to get what he wanted. In a sounded something like his mother would do...she was crazy, wasn't she? He'd say he was taking after his father, but he didn't know anything about him. So the fact remained...did he truly want this boy?

Yes. Yes, he did.

The fire he saw reflected in the eyes of the dark beast mirrored his own. The intensity in his words fueling him. He was going to be a tough one. And he would likely fight Azazel every step of the way...perfect. He liked when they fought back. Though perhaps he could train him to be a little more...submissive. He didn't want to have to fight every time he wanted to enjoy himself, after all. That wouldn't be fun all the time. He smirked at Rain's threat. It made absolutely no sense to him, but he shrugged it off. "I'd pick your battles a little more wisely. It's not a very good idea to cross me unless you really do want to lose your balls..." He hissed. Tongue swiped out to lick his lips as he gazed at Rain like he was looking at a juicy piece of meat. But of course...Rain was a juicy piece of looking flesh, now wasn't he? "Come now my little spitfire, before things get so much worse for you. I don't want to have to hurt your pretty little body."

Azazel sought to draw closer then, leaning his muzzle towards Rain almost as if he were trying to taste him. Anyone with sense in their head could tell he probably wasn't completely sane in his own. Not when it came to pursuing what he wanted. While he could be a rather obedient solider to his superiors, he was still his own, mad self. And right now, he wanted him.


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