


03-12-2019, 04:13 PM
Kvasir seemed mildly distracted as they talked, and Halvar couldn't help but be curious what might be on his mind. He admitted he wasn't planning a raid but merely preparing for one. And other things. Ah, but of course. The corners of his mouth quirked up in a small smile as he nodded understanding. "Tell me more about this planning," he suggested lightly. He knew nothing yet of Valkyrie's band, nor of his brothers' plans to join her. No doubt he would go along with whatever they decided, but he'd rather know what he was getting himself into, especially if it came to.. risk of bodily harm. Not that he really expected anything less, given he and his brothers' cursed state.

Kvasir was avoidant with his answer, not that Halvar expected anything less. He had a plan, though neglected to share it, saying he needed clay. "Passed a river just southwest of here," he offered after a moment of recollection. "Might be able to dig up some clay there." Kvasir moved to continue digging through the rubble, and Halvar followed him, watching his sibling curiously. Some of the scrap he was poking through seemed dangerous, but Kvasir seemed as though he'd been doing this quite a bit lately so he wouldn't slow him down by warning him otherwise. He nodded as he expressed his discontent at knowing what to grab and what to leave. "Maybe you can find a useful thing for carrying some things," he speculated, shrugging absently as he thought it over. "Seen a few things like that you might get some use out of. Not here, but back home. Maybe you'll find something similar in this mess."

"Talk" "You" Think