


07-15-2013, 01:29 PM

Sirius possessed no hatred, such emotions, such semantics held no place in his world. He had never hated anything, anger and bitterness, if he had ever experienced these emotions it was directed at the core of the earth. The damnable force that kept him on solid ground, instead of soaring high above, dancing and twining with the stars who birthed him, who fed him life and offered him up a soul! His being belonged swimming in a sea of starlight. Not tied to the dirt and soil, but alas! Such things were not meant to be, at least not in this lifetime, not until he found the other half of his soul and his body released him, allowing him to rejoin his brethren.

The soul that found herself trapped within the small silence of the cavern had caught his attention. A beautiful female by any standards, but than again, he always had seen beauty in the most simplistic of things, perhaps he was not the one to ask if one was ?the fairest in all the land? For his answer would surely be whatever object or person had fleetingly caught his attention. His tail drifted back and forth almost lazily as he approached her. He was forever seeking, she might be the center of his gravitational pull for now, but in another five minutes... who knew? Such was the unpredictability of the male.

She seemed quiet, almost as though she was studying him, judging and analyzing him before he had even spoken a few scarce words. He didn't mind, his appearance was odd and his beliefs were usually found to be even stranger. It wasn't a religion per say, more like a vivid imagination and a belief that there were things moving with greater purpose than what met the eye. He stopped a respectable distance away, not wishing to invade her personal space and her response came softly, surprising him with the softness and friendliness of her tones. He had not anticipated such a reaction.

?I prefer to see the stars, so many lights, so much hope and brilliance is encompassed within the night sky, anything is possible if you deem it to be true.? he answered back just a lowly as he had the first time, almost as though he were afraid he would scare her off if he spoke too harshly. A soft chuckle rumbled up through his vocals and he shook his head softly. ?No, sweet lady, tis I who have forgotten my own upbringing first, forgive me my lady, my name is Sirius, and it tis an honor to make your acquaintance Miss Tahlia.? He lowered his head, a noble dip of his cranium as he greeted her politely.
