
doin some healin



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-14-2019, 09:02 AM (This post was last modified: 05-04-2019, 05:58 PM by Ásvor.)

Ásvor was slowly but surely getting used to living so far south. Her blossoming relationship with Valdis was definitely helping her settle in and enjoy herself here, though she was still getting used to the feeling of caring so deeply for another. She couldn't help but feel faintly overprotective, especially when Valdis was gone for any extended period of time, but the more pleasant feelings that their new dynamic ignited within her far outweighed the negatives. After feeling restless for so many years, at last she felt a sense of peace within herself that was hard to explain, though she was basking in the newfound feeling.

Today, though, her mind was wandering. With the arrival of spring, she decided she ought to work on starting a proper herb stash, now that she was (hopefully) settled down a bit more permanently. Though the north was her domain, and much of it rightfully belonged to her family - as far as she was concerned - the gods apparently simply had other plans with her. While she was in the south, for as long as she remained here, she intended on taking full advantage of the climate and the fertility of these lands. When she wasn't spending time with Valdis, or otherwise helping Legion thrive, she needed to be working on her own personal skills. It'd been a long while since she'd properly gathered herbs, or experimented with them herself, and she knew that needed to change.

Today was the perfect day to begin exploring the further reaches of the knolls, which she was doing at her own ease. It was early morning still, and a chill remained in the air, though it was invigorating rather than uncomfortable. Asvor glided quietly along the ground, veiled by a low-hanging layer of fog that clung to the earth, slowly dissipating as the sun rose in the sky. She kept her head low, sniffing at the scents that surrounded her. Flowers and plants of all sorts were beginning to sprout, and one in particular caught her interest. She wasn't totally sure what it was until she got closer and got a better look at it, but further inspection verified it was feverfew, a flower good for helping with migraines and fevers alike - hence the name. They almost resembled daisies, though had far smaller petals, though the leaves were what was used the most. Asvor studied the flowers for a short while, nosing through the small young plants in search of the more fully-formed stalks.

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