
Dragon vs Pyralis



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
03-14-2019, 11:51 AM

He had succeeded in besting Ashmedai in the previous round, and now it was time for the next one. He waited patiently after getting a drink of water, and had even found Iskra among the crowd. As she was picked out to go to her own fight, Dragon had offered encouragement and a quick nuzzle before he, too, was pulled away for a fight of his own. He wished her good luck before parting ways, the masked warrior following his companions as the coydog led them to another ring. He stood patiently as he waited for his opponent, and when her scent hit him, he realized who he was up against. Well, this was interesting. The last he had seen her was when her son had challenged for his pack...though he knew it no longer stood. He was disheartened to learn that the pack he worked so hard for had fallen and crumbled not long after Ashiel had taken it from him. But perhaps there were reasons for that that he didn't know about. Even so, it didn't matter. His alpha days were over for now, and he was content with the life he had.

"Hello again, Pyralis. I hope you and your son are doing well." There was no unkindness in his voice. Ashiel, after all, had won his pack fair and square. He respected the pair of them, and he would do his best against his opponent just like he had tried his best against Ashiel. Only this time, he had learned to fight much, much better with his disability. At least he thought so, anyway. Once again, Kimahri stood on his left while Shiva flanked his right side. Both of them were eager for yet another battle. "Don't make me have to knock you off your feet again," Shiva murmured to the earthen male, a smirk upon her lips. "Don't you worry about that," He grinned and began to set his defenses. Tail flagged out behind him, head lowering over his throat and chin tucking to streamline his spine. Legs spread equidistant apart, hackles rising as his lips peeled back to bear stained fangs.

He listened to the world around him, gauging where his opponent was before he moved. In a matter of seconds, his defenses were in place and he exploded in a flurry of movement. Sand kicked up behind him as he moved, his companions running alongside him before splitting off to either side of the pair of wolves. Dragon continued to surge forward in an attempt to come head on at Pyralis. He sought to crash his chest into her own chest dead center, his right shoulder jutting forward as he aimed to slam the point into the left side of Pyralis' chest. He sought to bruise and wind her should he make contact. Simultaneously, jaws flung open as he twisted his head slightly to his right and downward, aiming to try and get a bite upon the right side of Pyralis' shoulder. His goal was to bite and grip, hopefully getting a good enough bite to hinder her movements for the duration of the fight.

Meanwhile, as the earthen warrior attacked, Kimahri sought to rush in at Pyralis' left side. Claws were extended and jaws parted as he aimed to launch himself towards the left side of the woman's body. He aimed to crash his body into her abdomen, right forepaw extended in an effort to grip her back while his left forepaw sought to grip her stomach from underneath like a pair of five clawed scissors.

Dragon vs Pyralis for Tournament Spar
Round: 1/?
Size: Large
Build: Heavy
Offensive Accessory: N/A
Defensive Accessory: Dragon Armor
Companion 1: Kimahri
Companion 2: Shiva
Mutation: N/A
Disability: Complete Blindness
Fight Skill Level: Expert
Specialty: N/A


Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.