
you know they'll never leave

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-14-2019, 03:13 PM
The only good part about the day was this right here. Everything would be worth it once he had Eulogy by his side. He’d made a fool of himself, and got made a fool of. Maybe the humility would do him some good though. He tried not to think about where he was in life, and all of the events to lead him to this point. Some were shameful, embarrassing, but still there were other fleeting moments that he wouldn’t ever give up. Even though Rhyme would have preferred never setting his eyes on Valentine again he couldn’t help but keep his words close to his heart. He had regrets, but they made him who he was. Rhyme might have been ashamed of some of words or actions, but he liked who he had become.

He shook his disheveled coat as his tall form appeared at the border of Erovare. Shaye had taken full control of the diplomacies, and he couldn’t blame her. He had overreacted and over spoke. The emotions had gotten the better of him, but now he was gaining control again. He had Eulogy in his grasp.

He couldn’t bring himself to sit as he approached the ghostly forest of Erovare. He peered within silently for a moment before tilting his head back and calling out for his sister to come to his side. Rhyme didn’t care who else in the pack heard, he welcomed them to challenge him as he retrieved his young half sibling.