
Starting to forget



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
03-14-2019, 03:19 PM
He waited, listening through the soft howl of the wind to the sound of paws crunching over the ice and snow in the trench as the woman padded her way closer. After a moment he heard a soft voice speak up shakily, “I’m here”, clearly fighting against her half-frozen body to get the words out.

Moving to lean a little further over the edge of the trench, Ignatius shifted his weight to hid hind legs to balance himself as he prepared to pull her up. Hi jaws sought out her scruff. The snow at the edge of the bank started to give way under his right front paw and he quickly began to backpedal, keeping a firm grip on the smaller wolf until they were both clear of the trench. When he finally let go and breathed a sigh of relief, Ig offered her a smile as he glanced over her to make sure she didn't look injured. "Well, fine day to be out for a stroll isn't it?" he joked, releasing some of the tension that had built up within him now that he could be relatively sure the woman would be alright.

Forgetting introductions entirely as he noticed how she shivered, he sought to stand a little closer to her in the hopes of offering some warmth as he asked, "What would you say to maybe looking for some shelter?" He hadn't really seen much on his way here, but he was still going to try and find something. Apparently he just had a knack for running into wolves in trouble. Maybe the glow just drew them from miles away or something. Whatever it was, he wasn't about to leave her out here alone.