
Lips Of An Angel


07-15-2013, 02:26 PM

Death was a funny thing. So fickle. One day she wanted to end her victims torment quickly, and others she wanted to draw it out for as long as possible. This was one of those days. Please... Shaky words broke the tension, drawing a coral gaze to the marbled girl. Not the slightest change flickered in her gaze, only growing colder with every word. "Rude..." The single word sounded almost thoughtful. "Such simple mistakes often have terrible consequences." Curled lips back in a malicious grin. Words fell easily, spoken as though her brother wasn't even present.

Her brothers words soon tore her gaze away, fixating on him as he threatened to kill her. Had he forgotten already how evenly matched they were? He made it sound as though it would be a walk in the park. If he intended to kill her, then she would drag him down with her too. "And neither do I." Sweet tones dripped from her lips as she referred to her open threat to his newest bitch. How glorious the day would be when the earth was soaked with her blood. Audits twitched at the faint sound of tiny paws kissing the earth. Cena. The strange little creature had taken a liking to her, insisting on following her everywhere. The thing was barely an adult, and wasn't the slightest bit afraid. Her gaze never waived from her brother, awaiting his reaction to the small feline. There was a soft brush against her legs as the creature came to a stop beside her. "Cat" It was a simple statement that spoke words to the woman, but no reply ever came, none of needed. Even in the short time the two had been forced together, on Cena's part, they had developed a bond of sorts. It was strange to Cat, to have such a small creature grow so attached to her, for no real reason, but she still found herself enjoying the felines company.

Leave Cataleya. It came as no surprise when her brother threatened to disown her as his sister. He always fought dirty, but then again, they both did. The smallest of smiles tugged at her lips, amusement once more glittering her expression. Pain coated his words, but his threat was still clear. Whether it was acknowledged or not was another story. Her brother loved that fact that so many feared his very presence. But how could you fear your own sibling? Especially when you mirrored eachother in so many ways? It simply wasn't possible, both just as ruthless as the other, having little regard for life. His threat made it sound as though she replied on him, needed him, like her life without would come to tragic ending. He was wrong. He could make threats all day long, and follow through with them but it wouldn't make a difference to her. She didn't care. "Sorry brother, can't today, but perhaps another day you can drag me to hell for a nice fuck." Light sarcasm coated her words as she taunted her brother. She was curious to know what the little girl would think of her brother fucking his own sister, but she didn't linger to find out. Eyes racked over the pack wolf once more before she turned to leave, steps measured before she broke out into an easy lope with Cena at her heels. She was surprised the little feline kept her mouth shut, she usually had so much to say.

-exit Cat and Cena-

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

OOC- Sorry for the delay! And crappy post