
you know they'll never leave



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years

Pride - Demisexual
03-15-2019, 10:29 PM

Hannibal was gone from the pack and so was the alpha's pups, along with their mother. Alot had happened on that day. Nephthys had moved dens and had told her what had happened to the pack. It was all very confusing to her. The slave still had not been eating more than enough to keep herself alive. Even though she knew hannibal would not be able to punish her anymore. What was she even supposed to do now? She wasnt sure she had a purpose.

A call from the borders had her sitting up and straightening up. For once in her life she wasnt completely submissive about this. That had been Rhyme. She would know his voice anywhere. He was calling for her. But she was uncertain about going to him. She was told after all that she was not allowed near the borders. Such a thing was hard for her. She wanted to go to him, to sprint and find him before anyone else, but then there was the rules that kept her in place. She had been nothing but obedient to Hannibal's family and the pack. Even with the nasty scar on her face she still had no interest in revenge on the members of erovrare.

A second call came, this time a demand for her from an alpha. Her ears pressed and her tail tucked as she stood from the den and scurried to find them. It wasnt long and she could see them. Her heart was hammering at the prospect of seeing Rhyme again but there was also the fact that she was still a slave. She scurried towards them her body low and her eyes not meeting either males, nor was she looking at either now. She stopped about ten feet from the border and dropped to the ground there. It was submission that coated her being, even as her eyes lifted and she looked at Rhyme. Hope did dance there in her eyes as she looked at him. But then she looked to cloudburst, she was seeking his permission to go to her brother, but she would understand if she was allowed no more than this.

The new scars would be something that Rhyme had no idea about. There were several he wouldn't of seen, including the one that was on her snout from hannibal. Hannibal's  had started to burn alot and had left her hot and sick to her stomach alot. She was sure it had gotten infected but she had no idea other than the cobwebs over it what else to do. The one on her hips and the one on her forehead would be new and something that she had not had before. They had been part of her punishment when Rhyme and Rhythm had escaped. She wanted nothing more than to go to her brother and learn into him for the strength she knew was his to share. Thys might come soon and she would be more likely angry that she was so close to someone else right now.


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