
Finding a New Voice



4 Years
03-15-2019, 12:38 AM
His thoughts and everything he had thought about previously all but vanished when he heard the sound of a young male it seemed. His voice was rather shaky, but who would be when it came to encountering someone such as he? He thought for sure he would be seeing someone tall and robust as well, but, as he turned his cranium upon further analysis...that was certainly not the case. What he saw...for sure he thought it was some sort of mystical being or God. He may have been rather small, which was something Seker had never seen before, but, his wings were an added addition that shocked the male completely as his eyes widened. His expression, to some, may have been rather rude but that was not what it meant to him. He was surprised to see the young male in such a state and size, hearing him say 'Good evening'.

His eyes focused on the young one's, dipping his head slightly in greeting. He kept his head high as his throat where his injury was, was a bit more noticeable so the one conversing with him would be able to see his predicament when it came to speech. It was not that he couldn't, it was very hard to do so and excruciatingly painful every time he were to try. That thought alone made Seker curious as to how he was going to react to this encounter and situation. A lot of wolves he had met told him that if he didn't act so ruthless, he wouldn't be in this sort of predicament. Well...they were right, but, it was just how the male was used to due to living off scraps and fighting to survive, he just picked a worthy opponent to take a meal from. But, he waited patiently to see what this male would do or say.