
Baby Please?


07-15-2013, 02:48 PM

Desdemona would not let them end here, would not let them fall to nothing, she would be his everything, his slave, lover, friend... whatever he wished of her, she would mold herself to become. He was her everything and she would spend the rest of her years proving this fact again and again and again. He would trust her again, he would love her again, she swore it upon everything she was. Tears fell from her own dual colored orbs, but determination swam in their depths. Right now, he needed her strength, as lacking as that was. Her tongue lolled from her mouth to bathe his snout in loving kisses, she pulled away his tears of salt of sadness and replaced them with pure, unadulterated love and affection. A rumble that formed itself into a purr, vibrated up through her vocals. Coiling her neck around his own, she dragged him all the closer to her, unsuccessfully fusing them into one being through the process of osmosis.

?Do not cry anymore my love. You are mine, and I am yours. Forever more you will be my one and only reason to awaken, my one and only reason to breathe and face the coming day, the reason my belly will swell again, and the reason we will die surrounded by love and the children the product of that love will make. I will never fail you again Demonio, on that you have my word.? The ivory goddess pledged to him, stopping her own drips of sorrow through sheer force of will. Tomorrow will be a better day.
