
You've Got To Want A Heart Of Steel



3 Years
Extra large

Critical Hit!Treat 2019
03-17-2019, 05:45 PM

Bumblebees buzzed around the flowering plants, their black and yellow bodies darting from flower to flower in the afternoon sun. Ashiel had worked his way north. He slipped through the prairie grasses, lush with spring as he continued his travels toward the swamplands. He'd heard tell of mystic tales there and part of him hoped to find answers in that desolate place. His visions were becoming more frequent and he felt that the window of his time to act closing. He needed to get moving. Spring was here and there was no reason to delay what he had to do any further. His daughter's destiny did not lie in these lands and he had to accept that. As much as he hated the idea of having to live separately from her he knew that fate had other ideas and to deny that would be to cause them both certain doom. Ashiel decided that once he returned from this trip he would call for Malleus and lay out his visions. From there he would take Mæva and they would begin their journey to the original homeland. Ashiel felt confident he was destined to return to the Risen Empire, but it was returning alone that burdened his heart.

When he closed his eyes he saw visions of fire. He saw his uncle burning and could see visions of light trails tracing through the sky. He would follow these trails with his daughter by his side. There would be no perfect time to travel. He kept delaying the trip to wait for a perfect time even though he knew he just needed to start. It would be best to get it over with instead of suffering and waiting for the inevitable. Whenever he stood still or failed to keep his mind occupied the visions would seep slowly into his subconscious. They would clutter around the edges of his vision, refusing to be ignored.

Griff flew silently above him. He knew the bird was worried but he had no words of comfort to offer to his companion or to himself. He continued through the prairie. His gait was slow and methodical but strong. The tournament was over and he was recovering well. He made it far enough through to feel proud of his accomplishments and like he had done his service to his family name. Soon he'd be well enough to travel. Mæva was over her illness and now old enough to keep up on a long journey. Spring melted the snow, the harsher weather would soon dissipate. It was now or never.

Ashiel stopped to drink by one of the many creeks that laced through the southern territories. He drank deeply and when he lifted his head he froze. A young bear cub was drinking not far from him and he wondered for a moment how he'd missed the creatures scent. Clearly he had been spending too much time in his own head. Ashiel started to retreat when he heard a deep, rumbling growl. Shit! He turned to see a mother bear standing on her hind legs, staring down at him. Fury was burning in her eyes. The cub quickly scrambled over to its mother as it turned to gaze curiously at the wolf.

Ashiel quickly set his defenses as he started to step back. Great, this was just fantastic. The mother bear fell down on all fours and let out a terrifying roar. In a moment later she charged. Ashiel swore as he dove to avoid her claws. He had no desire to get into a fight with the irate bear. He only wanted to be on his way and an injury now would delay his travels. A messed up part of him was tempted to let himself be injured so that he could delay the inevitable but thankfully the part of him that ruled his senses was stronger. The mother turned and beared down on him but rather than take the impact of her ferocious attack he quickly leapt to the side, turning his held swiftly so his fangs could rip into the side of her left thigh. The bear roared with pain then swirled around to come after him. Ashiel was stunned by the bears speed. He had no idea a creature so large could move so swiftly. On his part this was foolish. After all this was not his first bear fight but he'd never battled one alone before and had no desire to.

Ashiel turned tail and ran, his powerful limbs beating against the earth as he sought to get away from the bear. She was swift to pursue. Griff flew above him alerting him to the position of the bear and it seemed she was gaining on him. Well, she wouldn't be for long. He put on a burst of speed, twisting suddenly east and within moments he was out of the bear mother's reach. After all, there was only so far she was willing to go from her cub and Ashiel was quick to use this to his advantage. Panting he paused to gaze about him and once satisfied he allowed himself to relax and continue his journey.

"Talk" "You" Think
-- PLEASE NOTE:  Ashiel is an EVIL character and can be prone to acts of swearing, maiming and other violence. --
Consider this your warning.