
Baby Please?


07-15-2013, 03:09 PM

This woman, this angel sent from up above, this porcelain goddess, she was the reason that he woke up every morning after her trek to search for her. She was the reason he was still breathing, the reason that he had been set down upon this earth. She was his entire world, his entire universe, the only reason he had to live. She was amazing and beautiful and caring and understand and just absolutely perfect. She was divine perfection and he had the extreme honor and pleasure of calling her all his. She was his wife, his soulmate, his best friend, his other half, his perfect woman. And it was because she was all of this that he was going to do everything for her in order to give her the most amazing life possible. Whether that be securing them a place within a new pack or going and taking Tortuga back from whoever decided to claim it. One way or another, he was going to give his wife the life that she deserved.

She coiled herself around him, pressing him to her and he obliged willingly, returning the pressure, holding her to him, pulling away from her only to receive a gentle fawning from his beautiful wife. A tiny crack of a smile broke across his pale lips as he returned her loving affection, audits perking to attention as she pledged to never fail him again. My love, my Desdemona, you have never failed me and you could never fail me. My love for you prohibits that. You are too perfect, to divine to ever fail in my eyes my angel. Every single word that fell from his jaws rang powerfully with the truth. She could never fail him. It was impossible.

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