
I'm still yearning for your touch


07-15-2013, 03:35 PM

"God damn Demyan, quit fucking around." She forced out her words through clenched jaws. It was as so close to begging as she would ever get, it was hard enough to form coherent thoughts without having to vocalize them too. With every passing moment it got harder and hard to stay standing, to keep her world from exploding with white hot fire. Moans mingled with growls, claws digging into the meadows ground. "Now." A simple breathy word, she couldn't take it anymore. Her entire frame quivered, desperate for that sweet release.

He had made her his tonight in ways she never expected, never could imagine. He claimed her in ever way, and for once she didn't care. She allowed her walls to crumble, letting her desire consume her, letting her plead with her brother in the simplest of ways. Gone was the need to fight him, overpower eachother, prove who was stronger, who was dominant. She couldn't be certain what passed between them, but it was something new, something stronger. Could it be something unbreakable? It was hard to say.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

OOC- O.o so terribly short