
Skull Kickers

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-19-2019, 03:36 PM

It was funny, right up until the moment it almost kicked Rhyme’s brains out. Her laughter turned into a growl as blood began to drip from her Alpha partners mouth. His roll into a defensive posture seemed almost like an afterthought, in response to getting the stuffing kicked out of him. She could scent his blood on the breeze, but wasn’t sure just how badly injured he was. No matter what, it seemed a trip to the healers den was in their future.

The donkey had gone past Rhyme, and to its babe, before turning its attention back to her Alpha partner. Only, now Shaye had joined her Alpha partner. She had taken the time it took to move forward, to get herself into position. She created a unified front with Rhyme, a wall of growling fur, because her posture was hostile, her hackles raised, and her lips drawn over her fangs in a snarl. Her weight was evenly distributed, and the fighting stance felt comfortingly familiar to fall into. All the practice she had been getting in these later years of her life was putting her into fighting shape.

The entire situation seemed crazy bizzare. When she had gone on border patrol, she hadn’t expected to be fighting against a crazy donkey. She was still recovering from her injuries, fighting off the big cat. The wooziness was still there, but it was pushed to the back of her mind. Shaye wasn’t about to let anybody mess with one of her wolves, especially not some overgrown moss on hooves. “Leave!” Shaye barked, ensuring she and Rhyme weren’t blocking the fastest path out of the land. She then began to advance, moving slowly on powerful paws. “Leave!” she barked again. She did not want to kill this mother and babe, but she would if it continued to pose a threat. She was giving it this chance, she would attempt to herd it from her lands, it and its child both.

Total words: 938

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