
Seasons of Love



10 Years
03-19-2019, 03:46 PM
Ara was having a tough time these days, though perhaps she wasn't struggling quite as much as Novel was. While her own mortality wasn't necessarily something she feared, losing those close to her.. well, that was far more terrifying, and thoughts of this variety seemed reluctant to leave her head these days. Losing Elohim had struck her particularly hard, though Novel was no doubt taking it even harder. As a healer she fully understood the temporal nature of their existence; she'd lost her parents when she'd still been fairly young and though the pain still stuck with her now, after so many years had passed, she'd never felt as though she'd be wronged. Death was a part of existence and none of them could cheat it, even Novel's sweet friend Elohim. Novel had developed a cough not long after and Ara was doing what she could to tend to her and keep her comfortable.

Not that she was in much better shape. Though life within Lirim was comfortable, perhaps more comfortable than she could've ever hoped for, she too was a victim to the cruel passage of time and she moved more slowly now than ever before. Arthritis had crept into all her limbs, and pain relievers could only help so much. But the warmth of spring was a welcome relief and made moving easier, regardless of how she felt. Moving was uncomfortable at first (to say the least) but working out her stiff joints was worth it to simply feel the soft grasses beneath the pads of her paws.

After a slow few moments of wandering she caught hint of Novel's scent and redirected herself to follow it. She was lying beneath the willow trees, basking in the sunlight, and the picture earned a slow smile from Ara. It only wilted when she got closer and saw the fresh tears that painted her cheeks. Ara didn't bother her approach, though she moved quietly to lie beside her, sighing softly at the effort it took to lower herself down to the earth beside her mate. Part of her wished she could ask what was wrong, but she knew fully well what was troubling her - likewise, she was tempted to tell her the day was far too lovely to spend crying, but her feelings were valid and important. Instead she would simply sigh and wrap her head around Novel's neck. "This place.. it reminds me of where we met," she spoke quietly, smiling faintly at the distant memory. That day felt a lifetime ago, when her parents had still been alive, when she'd been surrounded by them and her siblings and those tall willow trees. Those same trees felt much smaller to her now, but still she felt insignificant beneath them, and the feeling was a comforting one.