
Once And For All



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
03-20-2019, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2019, 08:29 PM by Actaea.)

Her and Ignis had been sticking close to Abaven while their uncle planned their next move. She no doubt knew it would mean leaving Abaven, but she wasn't sure when that would be. She had planted the seed for him to raise his own pack and fully supported it and she figured that was exactly what he was working on. When they would be moving she had no idea, but she was content for right now and since it was spring she was gathering herbs. She had been in and out of Abaven several times, but she remained by her brother and uncle's side. She hadn't spent much time with Shaye since her pups were born, and though she missed her times with her mentor she didn't feel right pulling her away from her children's attention.

When Ty's call for their uncle came Actaea was with Ignis and she could hear the summoning call loud and clear. Her gaze looked towards the battlefield where they all had been a few weeks ago. She then looked to her brother.

"I wonder how bad this one will get," she asked before motioning her head. "Let's go see."

She was hoping that it wouldn't get as wild and populated as the one a few weeks ago because she wasn't much for big crowds of strange faces. She wanted to be there in support of uncle and she wanted to see why specifically Ty was now wanting to fight. Was it for respect? To show uncle that he wouldn't become his father? Moving forward she traveled along side Ignis to the battlefield and when they arrived Uncle was already addressing Ty. Both were wearing armor, the first time she had seen this on either of them.

She knew her Uncle had been hard at work on something, but hadn't seen this battle armor before. She took a seat with a good view and settled in to watch. Soon things got started, Ty was already challenging Uncle to a fight, to end this dispute. Her eyes narrowed slightly wondering why Ty thought this would end with a fight.

"Speech" & 'Thought'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them