
Klein Adoptables



7 Years
Extra large
03-21-2019, 07:33 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2019, 10:15 PM by Torin.)
-shakes fist-

OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Samara Akasha Klein (Formerly Sybel Klein)
Gender: Female
[Image: klein-adopt-12.jpg]

Samara is perhaps the odd one out in the Klein family when put next to any of her siblings it is plain to see she's the black sheep, in fact, she is rather an oddity even among other wolves. For Samara is small, standing a minuscule 17" it would be an understatement to say she is the runt of the family. Despite clearly being born with dwarfism the woman just barely manages to escape many of the more unsightly aspects of the condition, instead appearing dainty and almost pup like rather than misshapen in any way, though she does suffer from joint pain and they tend to swell when she is too active. Her face is soft and rounded giving her a youthful air and her tiny limbs are slender. There isn't a single pound of misplaces fat on the woman. 

The woman is draped in the shadows of her father. She does not display any of the wild splotches many of her brothers do. Instead, her base color is a smokey grey, her limbs and ears fading into a black coloration while her tail tip, inner ear fur, and brows are a snowy white. The only other distinguishing feature she wears upon her fur is two distinctive snow white lines beneath each eye. 

Set deep in the shadows of her face are two large, baleful azure gems. 


Samara did not grow up having the luxury of the superior Klein physic to help her when her siblings and peers could simply throw their weight around the woman had to learn to be smart, to be clever, to think three steps ahead. It was a blessing then that she took after her mother with regards to her mind. Samara learned early how to manipulate her smaller size, and the expectations of others based on that. She is quick on her feet and when speed won't get her out of a situation she's even quicker to play up her delicate appearance.

The woman is manipulative in a way that works for her. Instead of sultry or putting on masks of kindness she tends to lean into naivety as her shroud. She will play a pup if she must but tends to prefer that of a sheltered ignorant girl.

When not playing a part Samara is stern, slow to anger and can often be cold to others. She has little patience for more excitable wolves. She is self-serving first but largely considers the needs of her family to be her own. While proud Samara isn't one to jump to claim retribution, no rather she prefers a drawn-out sort of revenge. She'd rather work her way into the trust of her victims before destroying them than to tear them limb from limb. Samara has a particular fascination with poisons and if she ever has to enter into physical combat will invariably have some ready.

RP Sample: Samara blinked, wide-eyed and aghast, or well feigning aghast. An older wolf, age marking her muzzle white towered over the tiny woman and Samara allowed herself to cower a little under the bigger wolf. She cast a worried glance over at the only other observer, a young pregnant wolf, whose expression was slowly morphing into a snarl.

"That's enough!" The pregnant wolf commanded, stalking forwards to push her way between Samara and the elderly woman. The older woman blinked for a moment, clearly put off by suddenly being [WIP]

Plots/Ideas: When she gets to Boreas she's going to mostly just do some exploring, get a feel for the locals etc. Whenever she stumbles upon Hanni she's going to do whatever she can in her power to join him. Beyond that, I definetly want a litter from this girly, skill threads etc.

Avatar by Nerfusia
[Image: jBaYOuX.png]
I just got back from moving, please help me catch up by dropping threads I owe here. <3