
Lips Of An Angel



07-15-2013, 04:53 PM


Orica had begun to think the ordeal would never end. They would forever be stuck in this murderous limbo, moments away from the first plunge that would spell death for at least one of them. The ahe wolf wouldn't accept Orica's apology, and just like that, the one shred of hope she'd had was ripped from her grasp and blown away. This sister wasn't even remotely like any wolf she had ever met. All she wanted was wanton death. It was a strange terrible thing to look into the eyes of another living creature and know that all it craved was to make you stop breathing. It was what it felt like to be prey! It took Orica's breath away- and not in the good sense. She almost choked. It was a harsh lesson learned that day under the rose washed gaze of the unknown fae.

But even as the little girl's spirit wavered, the male gave another example of how strong he was. She felt him brush against her with his shoulder, heard him broke out a last threat, a last warning. It was...downright heroic. But she couldn't think it would any good.all of this had flown far beyond her ken. She was no longer a player in this act; she was merely waiting to see the outcome that would decide whether she lived on or went to meet her creator. She heard the pink eyed lady's words and then those of a cat entering the willow glen. Should the companion know how to fight, the odds had just been worsened. As Orica stared at the new creature, the sister spoke again- same impassive, deceiving tones, same horrible words. But here at least, Orica's innocence was a blessing. She wasn't even a yearling an as of yet, neither family nor instinct had taught her anything about a female's heat or a lover'd embrace. The venom of the words was apparent, but not the true meaning. Perhaps in time she would look back with a wizened gaze and feel a fresh creeping of horror, but for now all the words meant was that this female was unafraid and didn't intend to die. Orica couldn't resist the slightest of cringes as those pink eyes speared her on e again, seeming to go straight through her.

...but then. The next moment it was all over.

The sister an the companion were turning away. They were walking-no- loping off. They were leaving. Whatever it ha been that clinched it- the brother's threats or a mere fancy, the woman had decided to leave and so leave she did. Perhaps not forever ... But for today. Orica remained still as stone until there was no sight of the other wolf- until there was no sound of silken paws- until even the scent became faded and overpowered by the willows. Only the did the girl feel clearly how scared she had been. Her legs were jello and her heartrate rivaled hat of a rabbits. She'd been terrified. And rightly so. And yet despite all that he had handled herself as we'll as could be expected from a wolf twice her age. Now that it was over though, she let her forelegs slide forward it what could only be called a dog odors collapse. Her belly was pressed against the earth, letting something solid combat the quakes that threatened to wrack her little black body. She had to wait quietly for the panic to pass and likely enough it would've taken all day but for the presence of the other wolf. Seeing the male still wounded pushed the fearful side of her away and dragged forth the medic. She watched him with worry and fear and gratitude and muddled up inside her sapphire pools. "Do you-" she began, "Do you still want me to leave?" with baited breath she waited for some sort of answer. The male had saved her life at day; she would do whatever he asked, but she didn't want to have to leave. She didn't want to go just yet. On some level shear else at how quickly her emotions were made to twist and shift, but each new progression was totally natural. She knew how to react in no other way. And all she knew now was that the thought of him collapsed and bleeding out here alone was unbearable.
