
Yet Another Puppy Thread

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
03-21-2019, 04:31 PM (This post was last modified: 03-21-2019, 04:42 PM by Rhyme I.)
Rhyme lowered his features as his song came to an end. His bright blue and lavender gaze returned to the horizon, watchful of the first arrivals. To his surprise Noir trotted up first from behind Rhyme. The boy’s head was held high and he wore a troubling smirk. Rhyme eyed him suspiciously, but as the striped pup sat down he offered instead a gentle smile. ”Hello, Noir.” He offered back, about to ask what the boy had been up to that day when Poem came barreling towards him. She had come from the same direction as Noir.

He looked back at Noir, who was hiding his irritation poorly, and then focused on Poem. ”Hello to you too.” She stole the show when it came to affection. He smiled back down at her and leaned forward to offer an affectionate nuzzle as she moved to take a seat.

Theory appeared quickly afterward offering a greeting to the three of them before sitting next to her brother. Rhyme smiled fondly at the bunny-tailed pup. ”Have you had a good day, Theory?” He asked as Motif appeared silently to sit down at his paws. He offered her a quick smile as as he leaned down to nuzzle her closer.

Rhyme looked back up to see Verse make her way towards them. She worried him the most. He almost disturbed Motif and Poem from their places against him to user Verse into their little group. She had been given even stricter orders than the other pups, but likely didn’t or couldn’t understand they did it for her protection. He reached over Poem’s head to give his last arriving daughter a nuzzle behind her ear before taking all five of them in.

He felt a beaming pride for all of them, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. He had helped to make them, and he was glad to help raise them. Rhyme hoped he might succeed as a parent where he had failed so much as a son.

The slate alpha drew himself up, he had to be strong for them and bare his pain in silence. They didn’t deserve the same feelings he had to endure. So he applied his biggest smile, which wasn’t as difficult in the presence of such cute puppies, and began to explain. He’d try to make eye contact with all of them, to show that each one of them meant the world to him.

”Alright my curious children lets begin. Noir, Verse, Theory. The three of you know you were given a last name when you were born, Motif and Poem were given a different one.” He looked to the three born from Tana as he uttered his next words. ”We are no longer Imperialis.” Though the words were difficult to make he said them with out hiccup. Rhyme avoided the why, though he knew the question was coming. ”Instead you get to choose a new name.” He managed not to say ‘better’ name though he wanted to. His voice was calm and held as much mirth as he could muster. He did not want this to be a bad experience.

”Motif, Poem you can choose as well. You could even change it one day when you’re older.” He mentioned in case one of them felt like this was official and permanent for the rest of their lives. ”I am choosing the name ‘Cavaliere’ now you can share that with me, or you can choose the Destruction last name. Or if you really want, make one of your very own.”