
Klein Adoptables



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12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-21-2019, 05:34 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2019, 03:54 AM by Paradise.)
OOC Name: Dragon
Character Name: Pandora Lotus Klein [Vatalya]
Gender: female
Design: My own design (will need to get a ref for it)
The babe's appearance is unlike that of her siblings, though she has clearly taken after her parents. Swathed in the colors of both mother and father, Pandora is a beauty to behold as well as a mystery. From one side or the other she appears plain, but don't let that fool you. Pandora is both beauty and the beast, though which side of her you get depends on how you look at her. On her left side, she is pure albino. Innocent, pure, angelic in every way. A delicate pink orb peers out at the world, soft and seemingly innocent. On the right, darkness extends in complete totality. Not a single hair is colored different, the blackest of blacks swallowing her other half. A soulless eye as dark as a black hole, seemingly emotionless if not a bit ghoulish at times. She is both life and death. A fallen angel. A siren waiting to lure others to their demise. Her bodice is slim yet strong, though she holds herself like a proper lady upon long dainty legs.

Silken fur drapes over her curvaceous frame, perfectly pointed ears set atop a delicate crown. Every part of her is perfectly proportioned from nose to tail. The chimeric beauty appears every bit as lady-like as possible, always holding her head high with a regal air. The babe isn't built to be a fighter so she lacks the warriors build that most of her siblings have. Instead, she's built more to attract those that might be of use to her as well as for speed instead of fighting.

Personality: Pandora is mysterious as she is beautiful. No matter how hard someone tries, there's just no way of knowing who she truly is. She can be sweet. She can be mean. She can be kind and caring, or cold and merciless. It all depends on her mood at the time and whether or not she likes you enough to care. While Pandora can be many things, there is one thing that is certain about her. She is a queen, and she makes it known. Born and raised as a royal, Pandora is fierce when it comes to ruling. While she doesn't undermine Hannibal's authority, she won't hesitate to push everyone else around. The babe is fearless, and although she isn't a fighter, she certainly has a tongue on her. She's a quick thinker, sharp as a tack and quick with her words. She can usually get herself out of most situations, and what words fail to do then she may turn to seductive tactics as a last resort. But to her, that's unbecoming of a woman such as herself and she loathes the idea of having to act like a common whore.

Loyal to the crown, though not blindly so. Pandora adores her family unless she feels like someone might jeopardize the family. She may not hesitate to turn a cold shoulder if that happened, but it would take something serious if not a series of events to force her to do that. Of course, that's just the sibling love side of her. She does adore her siblings quite a lot, some more than others but she never truly makes it known who she favors more. Perhaps it's in her actions, or in other subtle ways, nobody really knows. She's a puzzle that's constantly waiting to be figured out except that nobody can. And when they think they have her figured out, there always seems to be another piece missing.

Let it be known that Pandora considers herself to be the harbinger of life and death. A seer. A shaman. Whatever you wish to call it. Being half albino priestess and half melanistic hellion, she feels that she has a close connection to the spirits of the world both living and beyond, as well as see the auras of those around her. She can read the emotions of others quite well and often feels what others are feeling. Yes, she is an empath. However, she does not yet have full control of this and can sometimes feel overwhelmed by the multitude of emotions swimming around her. When this happens, she becomes incredibly tired and fatigued depending on the length of her exposure or other factors. She trains herself daily so that one day, she might be able to control it completely.

RP Sample: The kingdom had fallen, and the babe could feel the negative energy flaring all around her. The calls and wails of the damned sung their high pitched songs, causing her ears to pin as she fled. She swore she could feel their agonized cries twisting and moaning in the wind as they tried to follow, but she fought desperately to shut them out. Hannibal was lucky to leave when he had. He didn't have to endure what she was struggling to endure at this moment. Then again...she probably should have left sooner. But the decline of the Klein kingdom had become overwhelming for her, practically paralyzing her in her dreams as she tried to find a solution that might save them all...

Except no solution came.

Pandora resigned herself and decided it was time to go. So here she was, trying to follow the paths of those that had gone before her, but she wasn't quite sure where she would end up. Her dreams beyond this point in time were dark with only the faces of shadowed figures staring back at her. Surely when she got to where she needed to be, everything would become clear again? "Damn you Hannibal! Why can't I see you?" She muttered darkly to herself. Before the fall of their kingdom, she had no troubles seeing who she wished to see...and now? It was as if a heavy fog had settled over her mind, clouding her vision and preventing her from seeing her path and the paths of her siblings. She didn't know what it meant at this moment...she was far more concerned with finding them. After that? Perhaps things would become clear again...

Plots/Ideas: Reconnect with her siblings of course! Eventually find hannibal after she's maybe had a few threads meeting the locals while she tries to figure out why she can't 'see' him. not really sure what to add here...i generally suck at coming up with plots and ideas until i've actually started playing a character :/
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