
Love who you are

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
03-21-2019, 07:07 PM
Seeing Poems disagreement, she shot Rhyme a quick death-glare, ensuring not a single puppy saw it. "Poem, walk with me for a moment?" She asked her small daughter. She looked at her pale form, and thought of another time, a world away, yet something that had taken place not far from here. Her and Motif and one of the disagreements they had had. She remembered digging in her paws and cause her mother grief. She swallowed back a chokeful of emotion, and managed to offer her a sad smile.

She pulled her daughter away, and walked a while until they where out of earshot of the others. If she thought doing so would help with the memories, she was wrong.
"My mother was called Destruction, as was her mother before her. Have I told you about your grandmother? She was a fierce warrior, a leader of warriors. She lead the fighters of Abaven back at the beginning, before I was even born. She was a headstrong woman, who wasnt afraid to fight for those she loved. Your great Uncle Bass Destruction created this pack from nothing. He lead it in war and in peace, with his wits and his strength. This pack was the largest pack in his days.. and recently its become so again. The largest pack in this land. The Destruction name... it goes back a long way, and has a lot of rich history. A history that lives on in you and your sister.."

she never thought any of her children would wash their paws of this name. How did the harsh Imperels grant more respect for a name then the Destructions, who lead with peace and love. She wanted her children to carry her name. She wanted her fierce little Poem to hold it with pride. She was going to Rip Rhyme apart for putting this thought in her daughters head.
"What part of the Destruction name do you object to?" She would learn that lesson from her mother - she wouldnt just put her foot down, say no and offer punishments. She would share some of the rich history, and then listen to what Poem had to say.


Most people dont want to be nagged about threads - I do! If I owe you a post, tell me. I've taken on a lot of threads and gotten lost. If you want a post, tell me where, and i'll reply.