
Yet Another Puppy Thread



1 Year
Extra small
03-21-2019, 07:09 PM
She happily accepted the nuzzling from Rhyme and a giggle burst from her as his breath tickled her a little. Secretly she was extremely ticklish, though she hoped Noir never found out. It was bad enough with his bullying. He didnt need extra ammo. She offered her own affection to prom as she offered affection to her. At least her sisters seemed to want to be more gentle with her and she was more than okay with that.

When daddy started speaking she looked up to him. Confusion painted her face as she listened. She couldn't be an imperialis? But why? That was their name, you couldn't just take it. "But that's our name daddy, why can't we be Imperialis? That's who we are I thought." it seemed no one else was asking but she would. She didnt fear nothing. Not even that gross wolf from the day she got into big trouble.

She wasnt going to pick a name either. Not until daddy gave her answers. Miss Shaye came when everyone started picking names. Honestly Noir should just be called buttface. She eyed him as he chose a name for himself. Of course they all forgot momma had a name too. Momma was just hiding alot lately so she didn't figure that she would come. Of course verse knew why momma was hiding. She'd been the reason behind the fight that caused it. She figured if anything she could decide later anyway. She definitely wasn't about to let Noir know any name she chose. She looked at shaye as she explained her name and offered it to them. Of course she didn't know. Everything was kept inside though as she looked back to Rhyme for his explanation of why.


Verse has three companions, a mouse lemur named Alma that is with her at all times, presumably clinging to her chest or nape. Two ravens, a white female with blue eyes named Lenore, and a piebald male with red eyes and a serrated upper beak named Evermore. These three are with her at all times, whether stated or not.