

Elara I


7 Years
03-21-2019, 08:42 PM

His comment made a smirk appear on her face and her tail to wag. The compliment like remark was refreshing to hear and it at least showed that she had made a good first impression. She couldn't really come up with a teasing remark and left it at that. He most certainly made a good first and second impression to her. She was actually glad to have some company for once, especially familiar company like him. he explained why he was back up here and nodded. Though she didn't realize the meaning behind it, she herself always ended up coming back to the more colder climates because it reminded her so much of home.

Then after a short silence he gave her the real reason and it made her curious. He was making a pack, although she couldn't saw she was completely surprised. From what she had seen of him so far he seemed to be fit for the role of an alpha. Anyone who was willing to throw themselves in the line of danger for a stranger was an absolute plus as well. Although she had no clue what creating your own pack entailed. She imagined it could be difficult, but she didn't know for sure. She didn't get the vibe that he was entirely sure on his decision. The way he looked away didn't really speak the confidence she had seen in him before.

"Well..... There a few places up here that I personally have found living in successful and like I said I'm still seeing plenty of prey. I could show them to you if you like," she offered.

She didn't really feel like she could help any other way, but maybe there was a way and she just didn't know it yet.

"Honestly I feel like you would do well as an alpha, from what I've seen so far. What kind of plans do you have so far?" she asked.
