
Lips Of An Angel


07-15-2013, 05:18 PM

He was pushing past all the pain riddling his massive body, trying to ignore it as best he could. The pulsing beneath his wound was becoming more persistent, the flow of blood becoming more continuous. Instead of just drops of blood, it was becoming one continuous flow, simply leaking from his chest, completely defying the sealing that the little medic had pasted all across his chest. He shouldn't have gotten up; she warned him against moving and yet he had ignored her warning. Would they have been in this type of situation had he risen from his spot among his blood? He would never know. But that didn't matter. He'd risen to protect the little medic that had saved his life. He didn't know what crazy thoughts or spirit had possessed him to do such a thing, but he'd done it before his mind had been able to fully catch up with his body. And as crazy as it sounded, he didn't regret having gotten up and possibly risking his life even more. It felt...right. For once in his life, something he did actually felt right.

He watched his sister with a burning cyan gaze, whip-cord lashing dangerously between his hocks as he waited to see what her verdict would be. Surely there had to be some part of her that didn't want to fight him, but then again Cata was a heartless bitch. He couldn't expect much from her. It appeared like she was more than ready to tear into him and possibly the little nymph, but then a new creature decided to make an appearance. A feline, much smaller than Cata or himself. It trotted up to his sister's side, brushing against her leg, calling to her with a shortened version of her name. Gems narrowed in confusion, looking to his sister's apparent new companion and back to her. When the hell did she make a new friend? He began calculating the odds in his head, realizing that with this feline, if it possessed the knowledge to fight, would most likely bring about worse damage to himself and possibly the little nymph. He would have to eradicate her companion before he could deal with her, that way the danger to the little medic would be lessened. As he began going over ways to keep protect the marbled girl, his sister suddenly spoke up, deciding that the fight wasn't worth it, taking her leave, the feline tagging along closely at her heels. Pale lips curled over pearly dentures, a snarl sent in her direction as he watched her lope off. Stupid bitch.

Do you-Do you still want me to leave? The little nymphs voice broke his gaze away from his now gone sister, allowing to flicker back to her own sapphire one, lips curling back over his weapons as he sheathed them. N- There was a quake that racked his entire frame, the word dying on his lips as the gargantuan man bowled over, his legs giving out beneath him as he crashed to the earth, blood spattering from his re-opened wound. Cyan gaze fluttered closed as he passed out, his body hitting the bloodied ground with a solid thump. Everything went black and the hellion was no longer aware of what was going on; he was out. His last memory of anything was looking down into the little nymph's similar azure gaze, his split open chest rising and falling with his shallow breaths. He shouldn't have moved. But it was too late now. The blood-loss was finally getting to him.

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