
Miach vs Asvor



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
03-22-2019, 01:53 PM

Miach didn't seem amused by her retort, not that she expected he would be, and instead seemed intently focused on the fight ahead of them. As soon as he was given the signal to start, he charged straight toward her - at a slight angle - and in turn she aimed to snag his left forelimb, hopefully forcing him to lose balance while she pulled away and felt the sting of her wounded ear. The adrenaline that suddenly pumped through her veins made it easy to temporarily ignore the pain and continue forward with an attack. She was pleased when her parted jaws found purchase, though instead of pulling away, Miach lifted his leg and leaned back on his other limbs.

Asvor returned the low grow, though the sound was cut short when she felt his own eager jaws colliding with the crook of her neck. Instinctively she released her hold on him and tried to pull her head closer down, to protect her neck - if she still had a chance to. Her own limbs stiffened as she tried to get a good hold on the ground, not wanting to be thrown off balance by his rapidly strengthening hold. Not wanting to submit to him quite yet - or at all, for that matter - she held her ground, trying to pry out of his grip by twisting her head, though she felt the sharp sting of fangs digging into her neck. Pushing off with her back legs she tried to knock him away from her, aiming to thrash parted jaws toward the side of his chest, trying to reach out to any bit of flesh she could find.

Asvor vs Miach for Dominance (Tournament)
Round 2/2
Size: Medium
Build: Medium
Offensive Accessory: -
Defensive Accessory: -
Companion 1: -
Companion 2: -
Mutation: -
Fight Skill Level: Beginner
Specialty: -