
Ghosts of the Forgotten



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Advanced Navigator (80)

12 Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
03-22-2019, 02:12 PM

"Erövrare." She tilted her head curiously, molten gaze looking him over as he answered. "Hm...can't say I've heard the name," She mused, "But don't feel bad, I don't know the names of any of the packs anyway. Your pack is the first." She added quickly. She didn't want him to feel like his pack wasn't important compared to the others. She really knew nothing about any of them, and this was actually the first pack name she had learned of. And she had to admit, the pack scent on him was...interesting. She hadn't been this up close and personal with a pack wolf before, and it was probably obvious with how curious and investigative she was being about this. It was far different than a rogue scent, she was sure.

She wanted a better sense of it. To understand what made up the difference between a rogue and a pack wolf. Besides living with a bunch of other wolves, what were the other benefits? Slowly but confidently, the woman moved closer to him as she leaned in again, "Do you mind?" She asked, though she didn't quite wait for an answer as she reached towards his neck to touch him, her nose plunging into plush fur as she inhaled the new scent. Was she being creepy? Probably. But she didn't quite care. Not when she was on her own mission. She inhaled the scent on him, trying to figure out how many wolves were in the pack he lived in. Would she be able to figure that out? She wasn't sure.

She moved along his side with her nose pressed to him, eventually noting that there were one or two scents in particular that were stronger on him than most. A mate? was a male probably from her former option. So focused on her task, she had completely forgotten she was even in heat. She had gotten used to it over the Winter, and since she had been on her own for years, she wasn't aware of the kind of effect such a thing had on men. But finally, when she was done, she raised her head and turned to look at him as she stood by his side. "So, pack's have...duties and stuff, right? What's your duty?"

"Talk" "You" Think
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