
Love who you are



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
03-22-2019, 03:02 PM (This post was last modified: 03-22-2019, 03:04 PM by Poem.)
Poem tried to comprehend where her mother was going, this topic was important and it seemed Shaye put much more weight on this decision than her father. The girl watched wide eyed as the alpha looked down at her child, her unconditional love obvious in her bright blue gaze. Shaye hadn’t spoken to her like this before, she hadn’t needed to be bothered with such weighty topics in her short life. Poem blinked up at Shaye as she began, her words serious as she explained why her Destruction name was so important.

She was the heir. Poem hiccuped in surprise as Shaye explained where her future might lie. Training, desire… very few requirements need be met before she could be in her mother’s position. Poem’s wide eyed expression didn’t change, but she hadn’t expected these words from her mother. Still, why would her choice of last name effect her ability to lead? They were just words… but Shaye made that obvious. She was descended from a very long line of woles. Her mother led a pack, neither grandmother ever claimed the title of alpha but her grandfather was a king. Her great grandmother Lyric led Ahlon after Novel stepped down to come to Boreas. And her namesake before Novel, her great great great grandmother led beside the first Destruction, Series.

The history meant little to Poem. She was too young to grasp the gravity, but she could tell how important this was to her mother. ”But… Tato…” She mumbled, torn between having her own way and making her mother happy. She looked from her mother’s features back to where her father and siblings lingered. She stared at them for a long time, unsure of herself and her decision as she looked back to Shaye for guidance.