
Lips Of An Angel


07-15-2013, 06:44 PM

He never got to finish his sentence. The answer to her question died on his pale lips as his massive body tumbled to the ground, his usually powerful legs collapsing beneath him, no longer able to support his massive weight. He clocked out before hitting the ground, his mind going blank, his gaze shutting off into black, as his right side greeted the earth with a heavy thud. He wasn't aware of the little nymph's reaction to his having passed out. He wasn't aware of how she stepped over him, bracing her little white paws on either side of him neck, pressing a fluffy ivory ear to his neck to make sure that he was still breathing. Didn't see how she rushed away from his barely-breathing body, rushing away to who knows where to gather who knows what. He didn't know any of this. Was he going to die that day? Would his last action on this earth be having saved the little medic's life?

Still very much unconscious, the large man would oblivious to how the marbled nymph came trotting back with a sack of herbs and stalks he'd never seen before. He couldn't see her begin to mash up more herbs and reapply them to his wound again, nor her dilemma about how to keep them stuck onto his body properly. Had he been awake, he would've been laughing at her failing attempts to roll him onto his stomach to keep the herbs in place. But he would've also been very impressed with her innovative thinking about having used a rock as a type of weight to keep them secured. He couldn't see her run off towards the little nearby stream to fill her jaws with as much water as she could before trotting back towards him. She began to rub her neck along his head, trying to get the cold water to stir him back to life. No reaction came from the unconscious man, until she began to try and supply him with water. She began nosing at his lips, peeling back in order to drip some water into jaws. Her first attempt failed, the water falling down his chin, but it was her second attempt that stirred the male from his unconscious state. The trickling water reached his throat and that was what woke him up. Cyan gems snapped open, jaws unhinging as he coughed and spluttered, massive crown snapping up as he struggled to get himself upright, to keep the water from drowning him. He was drowning. No, he couldn't be drowning! Weak limbs flayed, trying to get themselves beneath him to lift him back to his feet. The intense pain kept him rooted to his spot, but he continued to fight. Panic began to set in. He needed to get up dammit!

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